shirt: forever 21 (s) | skirt: forever 21 (size 2) | earrings: h&m - similar booties: old navy (7.5) | crossbody: old navy To be honest-- I wish this leopard trend was a jaguar trend but let's be real... can any one actually te[...]
shirt: forever 21 (s) | skirt: forever 21 (size 2) | earrings: h&m - similar booties: old navy (7.5) | crossbody: old navy To be honest-- I wish this leopard trend was a jaguar trend but let's be real... can any one actually te[...]
The Teacher Dress Code's weekly round-up of outfits + teacher lessons from the week!
When I realized 3 of my 2nd graders had sight word IEP goals, I slightly died inside. Sight words? But... they are SO boring to teach. I wasn't thrilled to say the least. I'm one of those teachers who has to have fun teaching in order to te[...]
It's the first week back from winter break and my winter style posts are back up and running!
lip balm: kiehl's | eye cream: kiehl's | facial cream: kiehl's hair perfector: olaplex | earrings: j.crew factory | marble tray: similar Winter makes my skin do all sorts of strange things. Dry patches under my eyes, a constant state o[...]
The older I get, the more I crave break days and appreciate the joy my couch gives me. Every year the love deepens. I went into winter break a tad more disgruntled than usual and eager as ever to transform into a glorious little co[...]