t-shirt: Go Shout Love (size x-small) "I think a lot of parents, in our position, that's all they want, is inclusion and love to be shown. If people do that on a daily basis, no matter what they're doing, the world would be a better place." -[...]
t-shirt: Go Shout Love (size x-small) "I think a lot of parents, in our position, that's all they want, is inclusion and love to be shown. If people do that on a daily basis, no matter what they're doing, the world would be a better place." -[...]
Top: Stella & Dot (x-small) | Jeans: Similar + similar | Earrings: J.Crew Factory (only $22!!!) | Shoes: Target One of the most beautiful aspects of this school year is all the students without IEPs that I've been able to conn[...]
Top: Old Navy Highlight reels are the things people want you to see. Sometimes they are good. Sometimes they are bad. Here are 50 things you can't see or know about me, simply by looking at the pictures or read the words, I post on my instagr[...]
MONDAY D E T A I L S Dress: x-small | Shoes: 7.5 TUESDAY D E T A I L S WEDNESDAY D E T A I L S Dress: x-small | Shoes: 7.5 | Jacket: x-small THURSDAY D E T A I L S Top: x-small | Jeans: 24 | Shoes: 7.5[...]
"My toolbox is empty." "I don't know what else to do." "I've tried everything." "They didn't teach me special ed. in my teacher prep program." "I'm out of ideas." That dang empty toolbox. We've all been there. Overwhelmed, confused, and at a[...]
This was the second Monday in a row I didn't take an outfit picture and had no recollection of what I wore. WELP! Sounds like that's going to be the last thing I do before I head into school on Mondays, lol. I'm going to have to make this pos[...]