Does anyone else wish their teaching could compete with YouTube videos? I know I’ve had the thought… The reality of children today is they spend a lot of time in front of the television or the computer. I personally try to limit the amount of time I use technology in my classroom but have come to a realization. My students would rather listen and hear someone’s story than read about it. There are so many amazing inspirational books around perseverance, resiliency, and overcoming adversity… but if they aren’t hooked, we don’t get there.
I’ve been trying to capitalize on their love for youtube and desire to learn from people who look and sound like them. There is so much power when kids are learning about overcoming difficult times and hearing stories of bravery and strength from people who they can relate to. As similar as my story is to their stories, at the end of the day, I’m still a twenty-seven year old, white teacher, who wears pink shoes twice a week. Do I have more street credit than them? Probably. Do they know that? Yes. Do they build stronger connections from hearing stories on YouTube than me sharing mine? Most definitely.
I asked my SEL boys group what their favorite videos have been this year. They have a much stronger memory than me 🙂 All “star” reviews are an average of 5 students. Here is our list of our favorite inspirational youtube videos– from my class to yours!
A Boy Who Saved Seventeen Lives
“Even when he was scared he still did it. I can’t swim but if I saw a mattress I would do what he did.” – fifth grader
5 stars review
The Inspirational Story Of 9-Year-Old Ezra Frech
“He didn’t give up. He is so cool and the most inspirational kid ever! He’s better at sports than I am and he doesn’t even have a leg!” – fifth grader
4.2 star review
We all have differences, but we want the same thing
“Tanzeel has so many disabilities but he didn’t give up. He found his own strategies and with grown ups help he was able to make friends. We would be friends with him, right guys?” – fifth grader
4.6 star review
Never Stop Fighting
“He is the funniest kid ever and keeps preserving. He has such a good attitude and doesn’t care what other people think. I don’t know anyone who is so happy when life sucks so much.” – fifth grader
5 star review
“There is alot we can’t see about each other.” – fifth grader
3.9 star review
What are your favorite youtube videos to share with your students? 🙂