one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen
I’m going to make this post short and sweet because… well… teaching is HEART work… that is FOR SURE… and January might have been the longest month in history but now that it’s over i’m all “where did it go?” and I am exhausted!
The older I get, the faster time is flying.
February might be my favorite month: midwinter break, possibility of snow, and VALENTINE’S DAY!
I think Valentine’s Day style should be a year around thing… but February is when allll the cute warm shades of red + pink arrive! If you’re looking for something to wear to school besides a super cute teacher tee– my favorite pieces are above!
Time to practices some self-care 🙂
other valentine’s day style ideas
with kindness | ashley